Oswestry Beekeepers’ Association is a small and informal group of beekeepers based in and around Oswestry.
We are fully affiliated to Shropshire Beekeepers Association
We have a schedule of meetings each summer at members’ home apiaries, where an experienced beekeeper will demonstrate a hive inspection appropriate to the time of year, giving tips and advice for newcomers and old hands alike. The event ends with a relaxed exchange of news, ideas and conversation over tea and sandwiches.
Aspiring beekeepers are very welcome to come along and join us for a taster session to learn something about this fascinating and rewarding hobby. Please use the ‘Contact Us’ page to express your interest in attending.
We are often lucky with the weather and enjoy a pleasant afternoon.
One of our main events is the annual Oswestry Show where you will find some of our members on hand to give help and advice to anyone interested.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
The Oswestry Beekeepers Association retains information about its members and past members which is held securely and only used as necessary to fulfill the objectives of the Association.
Oswestry Beekeepers are an associate of Shropshire Beekeepers, who are an incorporated charitable organisation, and are covered by their GDPR policy which can be found on their website, www.shropshirebees.co.uk
Information held by Oswestry Beekeepers is used for advisory & informational purposes as well as membership updates, promotions and other services provided by the Oswestry Beekeepers and connected organisations like the Shropshire Beekeepers Association, the British Beekeepers Association and Bee Diseases Insurance.
Membership is now from November 1st to October 31st. Please click on the link below to access our membership form
Public Liability
Members are insured against Third Party Claims.
Members are also insured for up to three hives, with Bee Disease Insurance against Foul Brood Disease. Extra hives can be insured through the Treasurer.
Some contributions may be made towards the payment of Exam fees for the approved B.B.K.A examinations.